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To become a part of the chapter or renew your membership, please visit the national membership site and select Cincinnati at


For additional details and assistance with local membership, reach out to Shaumia Turner, VP of Development, at


For additional details and assistance with national membership, reach out to Chelsea Carter, VP of Marketing and Communications, at


Membership Benefits:


  • Join a community of sports professionals for networking, professional development events, and social gatherings.

  • Stay informed with insights from industry experts on the latest trends and innovations impacting sports on the field, in the boardroom, and in the community

  • Connect with Black Sports Professionals nationwide through virtual and in-person events.

  • Enjoy access to BSP CINCY events, the online chapter directory, newsletters, press releases, and local and national job databases.

  • Seize opportunities to enhance your leadership skills and portfolio by joining a BSP CINCY leadership committee.


If you're eager to contribute to our mission and serve on one of our committees, please reach out to us at


VP: Chelsea Carter
Open Roles: Secretary, Digital Media Chair


This committee's communications segment crafts and executes publicity, media relations, and content strategies to effectively promote BSP CINCY-centric content. We utilize the chapter's website, digital and social media platforms, and collateral materials to engage with our community and leverage media opportunities through local, regional, and national outlets.


On the Marketing side, the committee oversees branding, merchandising, and licensing for BSP CINCY. It ensures the chapter's marks and creative assets are consistently applied and manages the production of all items featuring the chapter's marks.



VP: Chaz Coleman
Open Roles: Community Outreach Chair


The Membership Committee focuses on recruitment, retention, and growth strategies for BSP CINCY. Collaborating with other committees, it maximizes exposure in membership awareness efforts and celebrates members' successes. Additionally, it coordinates community involvement aligned with the chapter's pillars and philanthropic goals.


The Programming and Events committee executes a year-round schedule of BSP CINCY-centric programs and events, determining related costs and ensuring a vibrant calendar.



Open Roles: Treasurer, Fundraising Chair


This committee manages fundraising initiatives and financial support aligned with BSP CINCY's mission. It crafts sponsorship packages with other committees, leveraging chapter assets for virtual and in-person events.


The finance chair collaborates with the Treasurer to review and manage the chapter's finances, providing analysis and advice on the budget. The committee ensures fiscal responsibility in administering the chapter and supporting programs, events, and initiatives for its members.

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